Tuesday 17 October 2017

Poland Protects Native People from Islamic Invasion.

"A nation can survive its fools, & even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known & carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, & he wears their face & their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly & unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."

So said Roman senator Marcus Tullius Cicero (allegedly) warning us from more than two millennia ago about those who would sell out their own people to hoards of savages. Unfortunately, we in Western Europe & the former colonies are in the sorry position of having traitors not just in our midst but in our governments, opening the floodgates to swarms of Muslims, with the express intention of rendering the native populations, whose bloodlines built those very countries from the bottom up, first subservient & then extinct.

Eastern Europe, however, is not so afflicted with treasonous filth. The leaders of the Visegrad four, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia & the Czech Republic, are steadfast in their refusal to accept one single 'Syrian' into their countries, despite immense pressure from the globalist cabal in Brussels. To echo the sentiment of Stefan Molyneux: who'd have thought the communist countries would turn out to be the lucky ones? The disaster of Islamic immigration to the West is clearly described by Mariusz Błaszczak, in this report from UA Wire on Sunday (hat-tip to Voice of Europe @V_of_Europe):

Polish Interior Minister: Poland will not accept refugees from Muslim countries, the country has already welcomed 1 million Ukrainians

The Minister of the Interior of Poland, Mariusz Blaszczak, stated that Poland would not accept refugees as part of the new program of the European Union, reports the Polish news agency PAP.

"We will not give our consent because we have already accepted the Ukrainians. For us the priority and the most important task is security. Such ideologically motivated concepts as resettlement and relocation should not put Poland and Poles at risk," said the head of Polish Interior Ministry after  meeting with the Ministers of Internal Affair of the EU countries in Luxembourg.

At the end of September, the European Commission proposed the creation of a new EU resettlement program allowing for over 50,000 asylum seekers to be accepted in Europe in the next two years. The program will not be obligatory for the EU Member States but they will be encouraged to adopt it.

By adopting the program, the EU intends to introduce a legal procedure for refugee applicants in Europe.

The Interior Ministers of the EU countries convened on Friday to discuss the program.

"[This] resettlement mechanism will not be effective. It is the mechanism that will again attract more waves of migrants to Europe," believes Blaszczak.

"If such a mechanism is adopted, it will bring not thousands, but millions of people. I warned against this and stressed that such a mechanism must be a voluntary mechanism," he said.

As reported, Blaszczak told the Internal Affairs Ministers of the EU member countries that in Poland there are currently over 1 million Ukrainian citizens, some of whom fled the war after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and some are economic migrants.

"These people, in contrast to Muslims, have integrated themselves very well," he said.

"Muslim communities in the west of Europe have not integrated into the Europe for decades, yet they have been trying to impose their values on Europeans," stated the head of the Polish Ministry of Interior.

In his view, even if there are no terrorists in these refugee groups, "these people are the facilitators for Muslim terrorists."

After the meeting of the Ministers, the EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said that he was pleased that the Member States had pledged to ensure a resettlement for 25,000 people.

"I believe we will reach the designated threshold by the end of October. Resettlement is a key instrument of our migration policy which will help to eliminate smugglers, reduce unregulated migration and save human lives," he said.

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